From Nashville, TN
239 miles at 4 hours.
Driving Directions

French Lick is less than a half-day's journey from most Midwestern cities. Please note: the speed limits in French Lick and West Baden are strictly enforced.

Please note, it is strongly suggested to not follow a GPS for directions to Our Haven, at least on your first visit. Directions given by a GPS can, and often times will, take you along back roads that wander endlessly.

Take I-65 North to Louisville, KY - to I-64 West, to exit 79 (Hwy 37) (about 45 miles) and take a right on the ramp (North). Hwy 37 will change into Hwy 145 in about 10 miles. Stay on 146 for another 16 miles and this will run into Hwy 56 at the French Lick Casino.

After you are in French Lick...

Take IN-56 S through French Lick, IN. Please watch your speed through West Baden and French Lick. Speed limits are strictly enforced in town.
Approx. 6 miles west of downtown French Lick is North Hillham Road (may be listed as N Nillham Rd NW). Turn RIGHT onto North Hillham Road. North Hillham Road is the first right-hand turn after the used car lot on your right. If you pass Nicholson's Market, you have gone too far.
Take the 2nd right on North West Hillham Road (about 2 miles out) on to Spencer Hollow Road. (Google/GPS labels this road Emmons Ridge/Newland Road). There will be a road sign near a tree on the right before you make the turn. If you reach a turkey farm, you have gone too far. The hill with this sign is also the best place to get cellular phone signal while at Our Haven. Spencer Hollow Road becomes a gravel road. Please note: the road name will change from Hillham Road to Rusk Road.
About a mile down Spencer Hollow Road on the left is our turn in.
Look for a sign on the left like the one below off the road about 100 feet.

Welcome to Our Haven

Our Haven Sign

If you get lost please call Our Haven at 812-936-7656